
Sunday 5 July 2015

How to make Chocolate

How to make Chocolate

Ingredients :
Milk, lecithin, cocoa beans, sugar, and nibs

Image result for chocolateEverything starts with cocoa beans. Cocoa beans grow in warm countries that are close to the equator. About 70% of the  harvest comes from West Africa.

They dry the cocoa beans in the sun, this gives it more flavour. Next the cocoa beans are sent to different countries in the world. When they get to the destination they are cleaned, blended, and the shells of the cocoa beans removed, the nibs are the only thing left.

The nibs are then grounded in a liquid mass. When the liquid mass is processed, it is made into cocoa butter and cocoa butter.  Lecithin and milk are then put into the ingredients and blended together. They are also set in a series of rollers, so they can be a specific size. After that is done. The mixture is up to the final

Monday 29 June 2015

Book review 2 : Dinosaur rescue Dakosaurus

Dinosaur rescue Dakosaurus

The author of this book is Kyle Mewburn. He also wrote no room for a mouse, dragon knight and other children's book. This book is about a boy named Arg going into a hunting Valley. When he got there, the whole tribe was eating a strange scallop. Soon they all got sick and ‘’hurled on each other’’. In the night, Arg made a raft and put his dad on the raft. In the morning he realised his dad and the raft was resting in the lake with a giant Dakosaurus under it. Arg got a slingshot and a rock and shot it at the raft.

My favourite part is when he defeat the dinosaur and when he goes to he goes to the hunting valley. Dinosaur rescue books have been one of my best and first duffy books I ever had when I was a small. Its a great book and it’s really funny and cool. I would rate this 10/10 because I love Dinosaur rescue books.

By Heshan

Thursday 25 June 2015

Tornado facts

Do you know how deadly tornadoes are? I think it’s the deadliest disaster that could happen. These are some reasons why tornado is the most deadliest disaster. Tornadoes wind speed can reach 4800=00(480 km) meters per  hour. That is faster than Usain bolt and it can easily throw a bus more 100 metres away. In extreme occasions, a tornado can go over 150 km in land and they can last for  2 to 5 hours. But if it’s a regular tornado it last for 10 minutes. If a tornado goes on top of large source of water it becomes a water sprout.  

Some tornadoes can be invisible until it picks up debris or dust. The dust makes it hazy and cloudy. A tornado can be measured using a f scale(fujita scale). It ranges from F0 to F5. F5 is the the strongest and most destructive.The most deadliest tornado that ever happened was in  Bangladesh in 1989. It cut through the Dhaka Region and destroyed more than 21 villages and more that 1,000 people died that day.

Most of the world's tornadoes are spotted in United States of America in a place known as Tornado Alley. Tornadoes can be in different and unique sizes and shapes,

Tornadoes viciously rotate pillars of air and wind that can reach a storms to clouds to the earth's surface. In the southern hemisphere tornadoes turn to face a clockwise position. These were the reasons why tornadoes were the most destructive phenomena or

                 Please comment below

Tornado facts Drawing

Friday 12 June 2015

Life in trenches

April 25 1915

12.00 am
It was noon ...we arrived at Gallipoli. People were hiding in the bushes we quickly dug trenches and waited for them to come out. There was a moment of silence. Boom! snipers shot my friends and the battle started. Some of us started to charge up and get closer like me. Soon a sniper shot me in the leg. I felt a warm feeling and my heart started beating with Adrenalin, and I realized I was shot on the leg. People shouted ‘’come back to the trench’’ but it was too late because my leg was stunned and I was paralyzed with fear and pain. And I was shot with a bullet.

April 25 1915

3.00 pm
The general quickly got me to a near by hospital. When I woke up the doctor told me I had to stay and heal. but a sniper hit the doctor and I had to leave the hospital with just a bandage and a safety kit. And I had to go back to the war.I was weakened but I had to still fight to the very end. Even if I die I need to keep going on. bullet were everywhere many people died and gunshot killed most of the animals. The battle was long and the leader was wounded.

April 25 1915
7.00 pm

We have been shooting for hours but we couldn’t win. I turned around and saw bullets everywhere in the ground, water and boats. I heard the other sides general insulting us and mocking us and with my last bullet I shot their general. I saw his corpse rolling down the hill. And the other side stopped shooting they were shocked that their leader was dead. They started retreating up the hill, while we were celebrating with joy on the ships. We won the battle for Gallipoli!

April 26 1995
6.00 am
We were sailing for hours and hours and most of us were starving to death on the boats.It was bad enough that people shot most of the boats but now were losing people. The people in the boats also started to lose their minds. On one boat somebody ate a dead corpse and almost ate all the people their. His friend had to shoot him, so he wouldn’t kill others. I noticed that he cried while shooting at his friend. Many he killed were his friend. Suddenly we saw some land. We landed in a thick wet forest deep in Amazon rainforest.

April 27 1995
12.00 am
We gathered materials and made some weapons because we were low on bullets and people. We moved around for hours searching for village, a city  or a way to get back home. We stopped looking and searching so we headed back to the boats. We finally got home by boats and we headed home. We were celebrating in my house and started a party. At the end of the day we thought about our victory and everyone went back to their houses.

Life in Trenches- Booktrack

Math strategy

Wednesday 10 June 2015

THE ADVENTURE OF TINTIN The adventure of tintin was story about a reporter that travelled the world and solved crimes and mysteries. The biggest one this boy had solved the secret of the unicorn. and he’s also had a friend that was also the great great great grandchild of the owner of the unicorn itself. the name of that friend was Captain Haddock. He was cursed and could never steer a ship ever in all of eternity, because Captain Ancestor abandoned his own precious unicorn(ship) and sunk it to the bottom of the ocean. He scurried off to his special island and left Red Rack'em treasures to Captain Haddock and a letter in his mansion. On Tintin and Captain Haddocks way they found a foe named Alan. I recommend this book for 8 and over because it has a few hard words in it. This book was written by Herge Georges Prosper Remi (Herge’) (Author of the adventures of tintin)

Monday 11 May 2015

Math strategy

nana and the flower arranger

nana and the flower arranger

In the middle of the the funeral, Emma placed the some of the most perfect sweet white peas form nana's garden and placed it on the coffin. His mum added some of her precious, paper like nautilus. His grandad showed up and added some spoonbill feathers. After that the coffin was lowered down into the ground and then covered in soil, earth, dirt. Soon the funeral finished and soon the sadder the boy got. At Nana's house some families and friends came inside. The Next day came by and his grandfather wanted to visit the grave to see Nanas coffin and grave. At the entrance fantail where everywhere. He stopped and tried to

think about how the fantail were place.
Image result for nana and the flower arranger bookthe boy was shocked of the beautiful  flowers. Paper and plastic had been ripped. The boy went to his Grandad closed his eyes and said  who would do such a thing a thing. As soon as I opened my eye right in front of me I saw weka, walking like a wind-up bird toy. the weka walk to the flowers, got the gold bow and walked to the bushes like it’s being chased by something huge. And when they got home The boy said to the others I have

Friday 13 February 2015

2 february 2015
bio poem

Heshan Balasooriya

sibling to Gayathri Balasooriya, my sister.
My favourite sport is soccer.
3 ways to describe myself is kind, energetic, and focused.
I live with my mum, dad, sister, and my dog.
I like playing with my friends and family.
I want to be scientist, archaeologist and soccer player.
I feel secure when i’m around my friends.
I love running.
I hate it when other people take my stuff without permission.
I hope my that my family will be successful one day.
I am afraid of an anaconda, spiders, and snakes.
I enjoy playing, reading and doing maths.
I like wearing sneakers, shorts, and hats.
I wonder why it’s so hot today outside.
Who knows for sure if i’ll be successful in my life.

By: Heshan
